Special education is something that a vital resource in schools across the country. Children of all shapes, sizes and ability have the right to an education that is inclusive and that teaches developmental appropriate curriculum for all children. Disability comes n many forms. this could mean having a mild learning disability and needing a little extra support or having a more serious disability such as cerebral palsy or down syndrome. In order to help children with disabilities the IDEA is an organization that provides funding for resources, advises teachers and makes sure students have the rights and opportunities they need to succeed in the academic journey. This website is a place for families to go to learn their options and how best to advocate for their children. One of the most valuable aspects of this organizations is that they advocate for early intervention and diagnosis. This helps set students up with the proper tools form the beginning to do their best.
Students are all sitting around the lunch table enjoying their lunch. Two of the children seem fully able while the other two children are in wheelchairs, they are all equal to one another. |
I have personal experience with the accessibility of special education and receiving the supports I needed in school. I have dyslexia and cerebral palsy, as you can imagine school was very challenging for me growing up. However, I had parents that advocated early for me and made sure I had access to the supports I needed so that I could excel in school. It was not easy I had to go through extensive testing, have many meetings with doctors and my teachers and i had to learn to advocate for myself at a very early age. My disabilities are rather invisible which opens a whole new box of difficulty in getting the proper help. This is why I am very passionate about accessibility and inclusivity in the education system. Children should have resources that are obtained through a reasonable process
instead of having to jump through hopes to be able to succeed.